Visiting Tokyo, please go by “100 yen shops”, one-coin shops.
You might have similar shops in your country, but you could be surprised at the high quality of products sold in “100 yen shops”. Even I cannot understand why they can sell these good products for 100 yen.
“DAISO” is a leading company, you can find almost of all day-to-day necessities and gifts for your friends / family. (English)
But recently, we have stylish 100 yen shops in Tokyo.
One is “Natural kitchen”.
Another is “Seria”.
You can find cute or cool products in these shops.
Their website is written in Japanese, but you can see these shops look like.
We have many 100 yen shops in Tokyo. Small stores don’t have a wide range of goods, therefore when you visit “100 shop”, please ask your Japanese friends or me about a nearby 100 yen shop have the best range of goods.
The 100 yen shop industry is still developing, check it out!