
Taste Autumn!: Ginnan(ぎんなん)

By Yoshi, November 17, 2010

In Autumn, we can enjoy beautiful yellow of ginkgo trees.
And we have another way to enjoy ginkgo trees!

It’s….. “ginkgo nut”!
We call it “Ginnan (ぎんなん, 銀杏)”

We could see very smelly fruits under ginkgo trees.
Ginkgo nuts are seeds of them.

We could see some people picking them up under the trees.
They take seeds out of the smelly fruits, and wash & dry seeds in shade.

It’s quite hard to do this because of the smell.
But we can get ginkgo nuts at store as well.


Break the shell by a nipper. And dry-fry them with salt on a pan or heat them in a microwave oven for 30~40 seconds. Using a microwave, please put them in an envelope not to be popped in a microwave.

“Ginnan” is one of our autumn food.
Cooked “Ginnan” is not smelly anymore, enjoy “Autumn Taste”!