
Oden: a Winter dish

By Yoshi, November 5, 2010

As the weather become colder, Japanese want to have winter dishes.

Oden is one of popular Japanese winter dishes, consisting of several ingredients such as boiled eggs, daikon (radish), konnyaku(Konjac), and Chikuwa, Satumaage etc. (processed fish cakes) stewed in a light, soy-flavoured dashi broth.
Ingredients vary according to region, restaurant, and between each household.

In winter, many “Isakaya” have “Oden” menus and you could find “Oden” stall on the streets.

If you want to enjoy it at home, you can get it at supermakets or convenience stores. Many people love Seven-Eleven’s “Oden”.

Feel happy with this hot dish on a chilly evening!