
Manga cafe

  “Manga cafe” is a kind of cafe in Japan, a comic cafe. it’s called “Manga-kissa” (マンガきっさ, マンガ喫茶 ) or “Man kitsu” (マンきつ, 漫喫), short for Kissaten witch mean cafe. Customers can read as many comics as they like.   Customers pay for the time they stay in the cafe. Most manga cafe also provide […]


“GUNDAM” still loved

One day, I was enjoying “Izakaya” with friends. Friends were talking about “GUMDAM”, series of animation. The first one was broadcasted on TV in 1979-1980. This series leaded to a boom of “Robot Anime”, a kind of animation in Japan.     My friends said they used to draw characters when they were children and […]